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Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy (Published August 2024)

Purpose We are committed to the highest ethical standards and compliance with all laws and regulations related to anti-slavery and human trafficking. This policy outlines our commitment to prevent, identify, and address any form of modern slavery within our operations, supply chains, and business relationships.
Scope This policy applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, partners, and any other stakeholders involved in our operations. It covers all activities, including recruitment, procurement, and any business conducted on behalf of the organisation.

Policy Statement We strictly prohibit the use of forced, bonded, or compulsory labor, human trafficking, and any other form of slavery. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. We will implement and enforce effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking are not taking place anywhere in our supply chains or in any part of our business.
  • Management: Senior management is responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy and for fostering a culture of integrity and respect for human rights.
  • Employees: Every employee is expected to adhere to this policy and report any suspected violations. We will provide training and resources to help employees recognise and prevent any practices that contribute to modern slavery.
  • Suppliers: We expect our suppliers and partners to adhere to similar standards. We will conduct due diligence to assess the risk of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and will terminate relationships with suppliers who fail to comply with our standards.
Reporting and Monitoring Any concerns or reports of potential violations should be directed to the designated compliance officer or through our confidential whistleblower channels. We will investigate all reports thoroughly and take appropriate action, including disciplinary measures or legal action where necessary.

Commitment to Improvement We are dedicated to continuously improving our practices to combat modern slavery and human trafficking. This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with legal and ethical standards.

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Please see for all other ESG matters. For Anti-Slavery please see below.

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